
Logistic regression analysis of exposure to toxoplasmosis among HIV/AIDS patients: the case of Mettu Karl Hospital, South West of Ethiopia

Kasim Mohammed Yesuf, University of Gondar

Toxoplasma gondii is food and waterborne opportunistic pathogen that causes severe disease in immunocompromised patients. It causes a wide range of diseases with toxoplasma encephalitis commonly encountered in HIV/AIDS patients. Objective of this study was to identify the socio-economic, Demographic and health factors that influence toxoplasmosis among HIV-Positive patients using the logit, probit (normit) and complementary log log link functions. A sample of 120 HIV/AIDS patients has been taken from Mettu Karl Hospital. Logistic regression is applied for binary response data. The study indicates that the prevalence of toxoplasmosis for HIV\AIDS patients in Mettu Karl town was 60%. The study shows that the risk factors of Toxoplasmosis are education, marital status, house toilet, tap water, washing hand and raw meat. The binary logistic regression model analysis revealed that; the three link function as likely as the same. Patients involved in risky behaviors will have higher risk of contracting toxoplasmosis.

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Presented in Poster Session 4