
Inter-spouse communication and contraceptive behavior in Cameroon: a couple-based analysis

Willy Adrien Yakam Yemtchoua, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD) and CARE-IFA
Cédric Stéphane Mbella Mbella, Institut de Formation et de Recherche Démographiques (IFORD)

It is well known that Family Planning can help to improve maternal and child health. However, in Cameroon, women in union have inability to use FP methods despite the interest to practice it. In 2011, only 23% of women in union used contraceptives. This study aims to investigate the influence of inter-spousal communication about FP on contraceptive behavior of couples. We used matched couple data from Cameroon DHS-MICS 2011.Sample was 2973 couples. Chi square tests and binary logistic models were used to examine associations between spousal discussion about FP and dependent variables :contraceptive use and future intention of use contraceptives. Thus, 33.7% of couples which discussed FP sometimes/often used contraceptives to 10.7% of couples which never discussed FP. At multivariate level, spouses are less likely to use contraceptives when they never discussed FP than they discussed sometimes/often (OR=3.18;99%). Then, FP programs should promote spousal communication and male involvement in Cameroon.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 137: Empowerment, Autonomy and Communication and Contraceptive Choice