
Factors associated with divorce in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Zacharie Tsala Dimbuene, Université de Kinshasa and Statistics Canada
Francisca Nombe Kweto, Université d'Ottawa

This study contributes to the literature on divorce in sub-Saharan Africa using two Demographic and Health Surveys from Democratic Republic of Congo and multinomial logistic regressions in a context of complex survey design. Theoretically, it is expected that the likelihood of divorce is positively associated with gender female, age, and urban residence. In contrast, the risks of divorce are negatively associated with respondent’s education. Findings showed that the likelihood to divorce increased with respondent’s age and decreased with respondent’s education measured in single years. There are also gender differences in risks of divorce. By age and education, the risks of divorce were higher among women compared to men.

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Presented in Session 10: Union Formation and Dissolution: Trends and Determinants