The school-to-work transition in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Ben Pedley, University of Southampton
Victoria Hosegood, University of Southampton
Nuala Mcgrath, University of Southampton
The school-to-work transition has important socio-economic implications for young people and their subsequent life courses. In this study, we aim to explore the relationships between the school-to-work transition and other demographic events that are associated with becoming an adult in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Using data from the Africa Centre Demographic Surveillance Area from between 2005 and 2011, we conduct survival analyses using logistic regression models with time indicator variables. These analyses indicate that being male and either a parent or in a partnership is associated with an increased probability of entering employment, as is not living in a household that is headed by the individual’s parent or grandparent. Female parents who are not in a partnership are the least likely group to enter employment. Individuals who successfully completed at least Grade 12 are also more likely to enter employment, although this difference becomes less significant with increased grade repetition.
Presented in Session 153: Youth Trends in South Africa