
A spatial analysis of regional distribution of domestic tourism in India

Rakesh Kumar, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

Regional tourism within developing countries is a growing phenomenon. This paper explores the spatial regional distribution of domestic tourist flows in India using exploratory spatial data analysis. Using national sample survey data on domestic tourism in India 2008-09. A better distribution of tourism activities at regional level correlated with challenges of sustainable tourism and its sustainability will ensure attractiveness and quality of new tourist destinations. Result suggest that there are some pocket of region where the high cluster of tourist flow for the different purpose like holidaying, leisure, recreation and social ( Including visiting friends and relative, attending marriages, pilgrimage & religious activities, business education & training and health and medical. The global Moran’s I statistics for domestic tourist flows in the region reveal strong positive and significant spatial autocorrelation for different purpose. Keywords (regional development, Tourist flow, and clustering and hot spots)

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Presented in Poster Session 2