
Primary healthcare system and reduction of infant mortality in Benue State of Nigeria

Idu Ogbe Ode, Benue State University, Makurdi

The national health policy regards primary health care as the framework to achieve improved health for the population. Primary health care services include health education; adequate nutrition; safe water and sanitation; reproductive health, including family planning; immunisation against five major infectious diseases; the provision of essential drugs; and disease control. Infant and childhood mortality rates are good index to measure the health and socio-economic status of a nation. The infant mortality rate of75/000, childhood mortality of 98/000 and maternal mortality of 545/100000 births is unacceptable. These high rates could be attributable to worsening socio-economic situation in the country and the failure of health programmes and interventions. The study employed questionnaire and focused group discussion. The expected result are to examine if the PHC system is performing up to the desire standard; know the trend of infant and childhood mortality rates; identify determinants of infant/childhood mortality; and make appropriate recommendations.

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Presented in Poster Session 3