Building resilience to climate change with Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EBA) driven agriculture: farmers perception in Eastern Ghana
John Boateng, University of Ghana
Joyce Boateng, Seven Hearts Ghana
Researchers, employed training in Ecosystem Based Adaptation technologies, establishing experimental plots and participating farmers learned practically. Farmers completed questionnaire in two communities in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Results show that farmers adopted several EBA driven agricultural practices, including altering planting dates, intercropping with trees, food crops and mixed cropping. Other technologies adopted included; ridges, and mounds. Research further revealed that, most participating farmers (61%) increased their yield from about 26 to 40 percent. Also, 19 % of them showed that the increase in yields through this EBA driven practices is above 40% of the baseline where these methods were not used extensively. Participating farmers would like to see new policy work to ensure that there are: Investments into rural development, including; soil improvements, improving marketing facilities and linkages, and building of good road networks which should all serve as important preconditions for development and sustainability of EBA driven agriculture.
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Presented in Poster Session 1