The demographic opportunity for social and economic changes in Mozambique
Michele Gragnolati, World Bank Group
Humberto Albino Cossa, World Bank Group
Sara Troiano, World Bank Group
Ana Milena Aguilar Rivera, World Bank Group
The proposed analytical work aims at analyzing the specific links between population dynamics and the economic and social institutions in Mozambique. In this way, it is able to identify potential economic and social challenges and opportunities offered by demographic trends, and to provide specific recommendations on the policies that could help overcoming these challenges and harnessing these opportunities. In particular, the study investigates: (i) the recent demographic trends in Mozambique, including its current stage in the demographic transition, and the potential for a demographic dividend and economic growth; (ii) the determinants of fertility outcomes and family planning and reproductive health policies to speed up the transition; (iii) the education and employment implications; (iv) poverty and equity considerations of different demographic transition scenarios.
See paper
Presented in Session 57: Methodological Issues in Measuring the Demographic Dividend in Africa