
Knowledge of family planning among young people (10-24) in 15 programme districts in Uganda

Tapiwa Jhamba, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

In 2011 the Government of Uganda and the United Nations launched the four year Joint Programme on Population with the goal of accelerating the onset of a demographic transition in Uganda, through, among other things increasing young people’s access to family planning information and services. The analysis is based on a sample of 2,747 young people interviewed during the mid-term evaluation of the joint programme. Both descriptive and multivariate techniques are used to assess levels and variations in knowledge of family planning methods by selected background characteristics. Findings show that only six per cent of young people had accurate knowledge of the male condom, oral contraceptive pill and emergency contraceptive pill. Significant variations were noted by sex , age and district. Sources of sexual and reproductive health information also varied by age and sex. Age and gender specific needs should be considered in interventions targeting young people.

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Presented in Poster Session 2