
Couple based family planning education: changes in male involvement and contraceptive use among married couples in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia

Tizta T. Degfie, Addis Ababa University
Gily Coene, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Marleen Temmerman, Ghent University
Olivier Degomme, Ghent University

The study aimed at measuring the effect of a six-month-long family planning education program on male involvement in family planning, as well as on couples’ contraceptive practice. We conducted a quasi-experimental research among 811 married couples in Jimma Zone, southwest Ethiopia. Logistic regression models and Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighted (IPTW) analysis were computed using STATA ® version 10 for Windows® and R version 3.0.1. We obtained follow-up data from 760 out of 786 (96.7%) couples who were originally enrolled in the survey. Findings were compared within and between groups before and after intervention surveys. The difference between spouses that discussed family planning issues was less reported within the control group, both in the case of men and women. In general, a significant, positive difference in male involvement was observed. Thus, providing opportunities to reinforce family planning education may strengthen the existing family planning service delivery system.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 3