
Will the violence ever end? An assessment of female genital mutilation among major ethnic groups in Nigeria

Toyin Ikuteyijo, Obafemi Awolowo University
Olusina Bamiwuye, Obafemi Awolowo University

The practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) remains highly prevalent in Nigeria, despite several national and international calls against the phenomenon. This study thus examined the factors responsible for the continuation of FGM practice in Nigeria. Using data from 2013 Nigeria Demographic Health Survey, binary logistic regression analysis was performed to address the study objectives. . Results showed that education (1.0512), wealth status (OR=0.779) and religion (OR=4.0597) were significantly related to the continuation of FGM in Nigeria. The article concluded that for the various advocacy programs to be effective there is the need to address some specific issues relating to salient socio-demographic factors like religion, education and wealth index of Nigerians. This will ensure that the huge resources invested in eradicating FGM is worth the while.

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Presented in Poster Session 3