Timing of fertility in EAG states of India based on Non-Reproductive Life Table (NRLT)
Akash Kumar, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
In this paper we have been generating the Non-Reproductive life table for EAG states using 2011 census. This study is influenced by Mathada and Chetna Sivamurty. The main purpose of this study is to present summary measure of fertility named as intensity of child bearing(ICB), mean age of first birth (MAFB), mean age of last birth (MALB) and proportion of women not reproducing (UPWNR) the children in their reproductive age group. To constructing these measures of fertility, Non- Reproductive Life Table (NRLT) is used. From finding we conclude that in India, Mean age Specific Fertility Rate (MASFR) is 26.638, ICB is 0.0968, MAFB 23.15, MALB is 26.638 and UPWNR is 0.07606. The construction of NRLT essentially follows the construction of the Life Table for mortality measurement using life table technique. To developing the NRLT we necessitate only the ASFR which would produces fertility measures useful for appreciative the fertility behaviour.
Presented in Poster Session 3