Occupational hazards among healthcare workers caring for people living with HIV/AIDS in Southern Nigeria
Victor Assi, University of Uyo
Dorothy N. Ononokpono, University of Uyo
Healthcare professionals in the course of discharging their duties are exposed to many hazardous conditions, which result to physical disabilities and other life threatening diseases. This paper examines occupational hazards among healthcare workers who provide care for people living with HIV/AIDS in Southern Nigeria. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected on 150 healthcare workers. We employed bivariate and thematic analysis to explain the frequency of exposure and knowledge of occupational hazards. Results indicated that 99.3% of respondents agreed that healthcare workers are exposed to occupational hazards, 96% agreed that excessive workload leads to hazards and 99.6% had knowledge of occupational hazards. There is an urgent need to further equip the health sectors with more protective aids and gadgets. Healthcare workers’ welfare should be put into consideration. The training of healthcare professionals should be considered, in order to reduce the chances of healthcare workers developing occupationally acquired diseases and hazards.
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Presented in Poster Session 3