Predictors of VCT patronage among youth living in urban slum: a case of Isale-Eko in Lagos, Nigeria
Peter O. Adeyeye, Centre for Public Policy Alternatives
Background: The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) recognizes people living in poor neighborhood as one of the high risk group for HIV. The study sought to understand the determinants of Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) patronage among young people living in Isale-Eko slum in Nigeria. Data and Method: The study utilized data obtained in July 2015 from 200 young people aged 15-35 in Isale-Eko slum in Lagos. Results: Many (65%) of sampled youth were sexually active, yet, only 2 in every 5 (40 %) have gone for VCT before; of these only one third visited a VCT center six months before the study. Similarly, only 30% knows a VCT center in their area. The logistic regression model shows a statistical significance between knowledge about existence of HIV and awareness of VCT center and VCT patronage. Result showed the need for Siting more VCT centers to benefit youth in the neighborhood.
Presented in Poster Session 3