Making the connection: population, family planning, and climate change – policy action recommendations from an expert working group
Jason Bremner, Population Reference Bureau (PRB)
Robert Engelman, Worldwatch Institute
PRB and Worldwatch Institute assembled an expert group from climate change, family planning, and development communities to review evidence on family planning and climate links and identify specific action opportunities for advancing policy dialogue and policy action to include family planning among climate change policies and strategies. The expert working group recommendations provide a path forward for population and climate change advocates, practitioners, and interested decision makers who want to link these issues and ensure that universal access to family planning is part of efforts to achieve climate compatible development. The groups principal conclusion: that population influences climate change and deserves consideration in climate policies and strategies. Achieving universal access to family planning throughout the world would result in fewer unintended pregnancies, would improve the health and well-being of women and their families, and would slow population growth, all of which are beneficial to climate compatible development.
Presented in Session 116: Climate Change and Health Interlinkages I