
Emergence of overweight and obesity related non-communicable diseases in South Africa

Abhishek Saraswat, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Kanchan Negi, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

Obesity/overweight has emerged as an extremely crucial public health issue, within a decade its prevalence has increased by 10-30% worldwide. It is an extremely potential risk factor for burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Present study assesses the NCDs (arthritis, angina, diabetes, hypertension, depression and stroke) associated with obesity/overweight in South Africa using the Study on Global Ageing and Adult Health (SAGE) survey 2007–10. The prevalence of obesity (35%) and overweight (27%) was very frightening, it constituted nearly two-third of the respondents. Obesity/overweight was positively associated with arthritis, hypertension, diabetes and angina, however, no significant association was found between depression and stroke. Given such alarming rates of obesity/overweight in South Africa, there is a strict need for the policies and programs that stress upon the lifestyle management among people. Since changes in lifestyle can do wonder in obesity/overweight prevention and thus, combating NCDs.

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Presented in Session 118: Trends, Patterns and Consequences of Non-communicable Diseases in Africa