Sexual risk behaviour among young injecting drug users in high HIV prevalence states of India: evidence from IBBA
Santosh Sharma, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
IDUs may transmit HIV not only by needle-sharing but also by unprotected sexual intercourse. IBBA round-1 and round 2 data has been used. The proportion of paid sex and condom use has been increased among Young IDUs in most of the districts from round 1 to 2. In Manipur and Nagaland migration is the important predictor to explain partner mixing behaviour among YIDUs, whereas in Maharashtra, Mobility is important predictor, and those who are migrants they are more likely to have sex with more than one female partner in past month. Condom use at last sex with any type of female partner, In Maharashtra married YIDUs are more likely to use condom with any type of female partner approximately 18 times and mobility is also shows the important predictor to explain condom use at last sex with any type of female partner. Interventions with IDUs should go beyond harm reduction.
Presented in Poster Session 3