
Help-seeking behaviour; a qualitative exploration of the perceptions of older Ghanaian men in London and Kumasi

Lailah Alidu, University of Birmingham
Elizabeth Grunfeld, Coventry University

The aim of the study was to explore the perception of older Ghanaian men in London and Kumasi regarding illness and their help seeking choices. It further investigated the way in which migration to a new country impacted on perceptions of illness and on help seeking behaviors. Fifteen Ghanaian born men living in London and eighteen living in Kumasi, Ghana participated in a face to face semi structured interview. Themes identified in the study were; symptoms interpretation (old age and fatigue), dual approach to help seeking, the use of western medication as a latter choice, barriers and facilitators in help seeking. Differences in the London and Kumasi sample were due to health care access, since the two countries have different approach to health care delivery. Attributing initial symptoms of illnesses to fatigue or old age could be risky to one’s health and as such health education targetting the older men populations is needed.

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Presented in Session 132: Access to Healthcare Services by the Older Persons