
Stall in fertility decline in Zimbabwe

Takudzwa Sayi, Independent Researcher

Recent surveys show that in Zimbabwe, fertility decline has stalled following initial decline. The puzzle that is explored in this paper is trying to understand why fertility decline has stalled in Zimbabwe. Using data from Demographic and Health Surveys, I examine changes in reproductive behavior over time and link these changes with fertility trends. Zimbabwe is an intriguing case study as it was one of the front-runners of fertility transition in sub-Saharan Africa (Garenne and Joseph 2002; Tabutin and Schoumaker 2004); understanding reversal in trends is therefore important. Findings suggest important changes in contraceptive use dynamics, fertility preferences, and marriage and sexual behavior since the mid-1990s, which may be important for understanding the halted fertility transition.

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Presented in Session 47: Case Studies of Stalled Fertility Transitions