
Modeling the impacts on food security and poverty of gender gaps in sub-Saharan-Africa

Ousmane Faye, African Influence Institute (AFRII)

Across Africa, women assume critical roles in supporting household livelihoods, in labor markets and in the wider economy. Rural women contribute to the agricultural sector in many ways. Their role is vital as workers, home-based producers, and consumers throughout the agricultural value chain. Particularly, in the food system, women’s actions are crucial from production on family plots, to food processing, food preparation, and food consumption and distribution. However, despite this prominent role, rural women remain constrained in their access to productive resources (land, credit, inputs), services expansion, and labor market opportunities. Also, their roles and contributions remain largely undervalued and neglected. Thus, there is a substantial lack of appreciation of the crucial contribution of these women to agriculture and food production in the region. This paper analyzes how closing gender gaps can strengthen women’s roles in agriculture production and food system, and allow ensuring food security in Africa.

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Presented in Poster Session 2